For over 80 years, Rich May, P.C. has been a leader in advising utilities, energy generators, competitive suppliers, renewable energy companies, telecoms and consumers of utility services in all aspects of their business and operations.
Drawing from this deep experience, Rich May has gained significant expertise with virtually every form of energy (fossil and renewable sources) and water project and related contractual and financing arrangements. The Energy, Renewables and Regulated Industries Practice Group is also noted for its exceptional knowledge and practical experience with all aspects of regulation including siting and ratemaking, as well as its vital legal and strategic counsel in all aspects with the regulatory processes.
Rich May’s attorneys have significant experience in electric, natural gas and water proceedings conducted by regulatory authorities in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Island. We are familiar with and have been involved in regulatory matters before many other utilities commissions across the country, as well. Rich May also is actively advising renewable energy developers, including among others, developers of solar and wind generating facilities and technology, energy conservation efforts and technologies.
We also represent investors and customers purchasing renewable energy and developing renewable energy resources, and, among other things, project development, structure innovative joint venture arrangements (among and between both utility companies and new market entrants), and counsel on energy supply (retail and wholesale) arrangements.
- Represented a multi-national entity in all aspects of its business from financing to developing solar generation in India and other emerging markets.
- Represented distribution utilities in scores of successful rate and regulatory proceedings in Massachusetts and New York and represented retail and wholesale customers and energy marketers in rate, regulatory and certification proceedings in numerous state commissions throughout the country.
- Successfully handled the siting and/or financing of energy facilities throughout the northeastern United States, including traditional fossil-fueled generation, electric and gas transmission and distribution lines, and renewable generation, including eminent domain takings for interstate natural gas pipelines.
- Represented sellers and buyers and borrowers and lenders in dozens of mergers and acquisitions and financing transactions, ranging from small players in regulated industries to transactions valued at more than $100,000,000.
- Related Practice Groups: Commercial Law, Land Use & Environmental Law, Real Estate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Corporate, Business and Securities Practice, Clean Technology, Telecommunications

James M. Behnke
Of Counsel

Erica P. Bigelow
Of Counsel

Leah Cohen

Joseph Dorfler

Eric J. Krathwohl
Shareholder; Energy, Renewables & Regulated Industries, Chair

Howard L. Levin
Of Counsel

Emmett E. Lyne
Managing Director; Shareholder