Rich May Attorney Eric Krathwohl and client R.H. White Company Ride Pan-Mass Challenge “Reimagined”
On August 1, 2020, Eric J. Krathwohl, a Rich May, P.C. Managing Director, joined Team Cyclosaurass, in its Pan-Mass Challenge “Reimagined”. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the PMC was a dispersed, virtual event, where riders and teams still raised money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and rode their own versions of the typically two-day ride.
Team Cyclosaurass, which largely consisted of employees of R.H. White Company, has raised over $65,000 to date for patient care and cancer research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and cycled 110 miles through Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut for many loved ones and a cure for cancer. This year, the PMC hopes to raise over $41,000,000 overall for its 41st year, despite the reduced participation due to the pandemic. Typically, the PMC contributing 100% of its donations constitutes over half of the Dana-Farber budget.

Team Cyclosaurass approaching their “reimagined” finish line