Rich May Client Hamilton Thorne Announces Scholarship Program to Support the Ovatools Andrology and Embryology Training Institute Figure

June 21, 2017  |  Firm News

Rich May Client Hamilton Thorne Announces Scholarship Program to Support the Ovatools Andrology and Embryology Training Institute


Rich May congratulates its client, Hamilton Thorne, Ltd., on its recent announcement of a scholarship program to support MedTech For Solutions’ OvaTools Andrology and Embryology Training Institute in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

The Ovatools Andrology & Embryology Training Institute offers training modules designed to enhance critical laboratory skills in a highly focused and supervised learning environment. This scholarship program will provide the educational support that will allow the next generation of clinical embryologists to gain the theoretical and practical skills needed to excel in their field.

For more information about the scholarship click here.

About Hamilton Thorne, Ltd. (

Hamilton Thorne designs, manufactures and distributes precision laser devices and advanced imaging systems that reduce cost, increase productivity, improve results and enable breakthroughs in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and developmental biology research markets. Hamilton Thorne’s laser products attach to standard inverted microscopes and operate as robotic micro-surgeons, enabling a wide array of scientific applications and IVF procedures. Its imaging systems improve outcomes in human IVF clinics and animal breeding facilities and provide high-end toxicology analyses. Hamilton Thorne’s growing worldwide customer base consists of pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, fertility clinics, university research centers, animal breeding companies, and other commercial and academic research establishments, including Harvard, MIT, Yale, McGill, Oxford, Cambridge, the Smithsonian Institution, Charles River Labs, Covance, ABS Global, Sexing Technologies, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, and Dow Chemical.