October 13, 2022 | Firm News
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth Celebrates 25th Anniversary
By: Rich May
Rich May attorney Danielle Justo attended the Gala in celebration of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth’s 25th Anniversary. As a former board member and site committee chair, she has assisted with eight builds in Plymouth, Kingston and Carver. Over the years, Danielle also obtained Community Preservation Act and Pinehills Affordable Housing Charitable Trust grants, donations of land, and other town permitting and state affordable housing approvals. She now sits on the organization’s Advisory Council and continues to assist in pro bono work, as well as maintaining strategic corporate relationships. In particular, the Pinehills Trust has been an amazing partner in supporting the mission of providing decent, affordable housing to working families in the Greater Plymouth area. Rich May congratulates Habitat for Humanity on this ongoing and important work!
About Rich May. P.C.
Rich May, P.C., a law firm founded in 1937 and located in the heart of Boston’s financial district, concentrates its practice on corporate, financial, civil litigation, energy, real estate, entertainment and wealth planning matters. The firm’s clients include a broad group of businesses in New England and throughout the country. Rich May provides the breadth and depth of expertise generally associated with large, national firms, while maintaining the prompt, personal service found in smaller, regional firms. Rich May’s clients have direct access to experienced attorneys who are familiar with both the client and the area of inquiry and can provide timely and practical legal solutions.
Rich May has been elected and admitted as a member of Ally Law. This membership, which provides affiliations with more than 2,800 lawyers at over 70 firms in 50 countries, supplements our ability to assist clients throughout North America and around the world.